brings you the latest Philippine PRC Board Exam Results currently available, so make sure you keep coming back on a regular basis.
PRC Licensure Examination Results
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has released the criminologist board exam results as 2,433 out of 7,702 examinees passed the Criminology Licensure Examination. The exam was given by Board of Criminology in Manila and all regional offices nationwide. It was held on April 16, 17 and 18, 2009.
The composition of the Philippine Board of Criminology are chairman: Lourdes W. Aniceto; members: Carolina J. Esguerra and Ernesto V. Cabrera.
The registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (PRC ID) and Certificate of Registration will start on April 30, 2009.
Successful examinees are advised to personally register and sign the Roster of Registered Professionals.
The oath taking ceremony will be held on May 30 at the Centennial Hall of the Manila Hotel in Manila, Philippines.
Successful examinees in the April 2009 Criminology Licensure Examination